As the music swelled, the credits rolled and the theatre lights slowly lifted, it seemed as though he entire theatre (which was only 93% female) giggled and barely suppressed their mirth. Had it been a Richard Gere and Julia Roberts movie laughter would have been appreciated, but I'm not sure that laughter is what was intended here.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
what if they made a movie and everyone laughed?
As the music swelled, the credits rolled and the theatre lights slowly lifted, it seemed as though he entire theatre (which was only 93% female) giggled and barely suppressed their mirth. Had it been a Richard Gere and Julia Roberts movie laughter would have been appreciated, but I'm not sure that laughter is what was intended here.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Bulli Bulli

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Hipy Papy Bthuthday

Winnie has always been a favourite of mine, and I love to quote 'Vespers' at every opportunity (whether relevant or not).
..."Little boy kneels at the foot of his bed; droop on his little hands, little gold head ..."
Even the 'bump, bump, bump' down the stairs leads me to smile, despite the thought of the headache.
Today the great corporate master announced yet more significant changes. I can understand the new direction, even though the prospective work causes just a little headache. Tonight it was a glass of Wirra Wirra Churchblock Cab-Sav-Shiraz-Merlot with dinner to ease the dread of the forthcoming workload.
Personally I don't mind if the advised changes lead to the cancellation of the work conference in Mumbai in December, just so long as I can get through almost of the work before my July holiday next year.
Monday, October 13, 2008
no excuses ... no promises
Monday, July 14, 2008
a new way of working
Lists are in order and not just one but many -
- grocery shopping
- other shopping
- furniture shopping
- services (including a plumber)
- clothes shopping
and the lists continue to grow. Not that I'm complaining mind you.
Last week I went in search of new office furniture: a desk and shelves, but to no avail. I did discover a lovely lounge suite, which was delivered last week. Yes, the colour is 'snow' but it has been 'scotch-guarded' and has already proven itself against red wine!
Also new on the list is a new way to exercise. I'm walking to and from the bus/tram, but I do miss my walks around Princes Park after work. To my missing walking partner and therapist, Lurextoga, I hope that you're finding new ways of working/living in the country.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
ding, ding - tickets please
I went to bed last night with a sense of excitement, eager to embrace my politically correct and socially responsible move from car travel to public transport. The signs when I awoke, didn't bode well - I could hear the rain on the skylight (so many exciting features in my new home)!

It reminds me of my favourite Merv Hughes story so I smiled all the way to work.
During the 1991 Adelaide Test, Javed Miandad commented that Merv Hughes looked like a fat bus conductor. Big Merv dismissed the Pakistani soon after, running passed the batsman yelling, “Tickets please!”.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
As I sit in my new spacious family room, tapping away on my flash new laptop, I'm keeping an eye on the cricket score from the West Indies via wireless broadband.
Yesterday I bade farewell to my psychologist boss, who is off to work in the transport industry.
last night I listened to the further demise of the West Coast Eagles (my second football side)
oh, and today foxtel will be connected, or at least it had better! yippee!!!
but right now it's time for golf. That short 12 minute trip gives me a few extra minutes to blog and surf.
even David Bowie is changing - he is now a character on SpongeBob SquarePants (or so his own blog tells me). No photos of Ziggy Stardust, but a lovely picture of SpongeBob!
Friday, June 20, 2008
all the key numbers
15 days ago I moved in!
I have unpacked all boxes, except for 14 boxes of books
In 28 days I settle on my old unit (that's also the number of days I have to clean it)
1959 is the year that the neighbour who greeted me on my arrival moved into this street
My colleague lives 3 doors away, and we have only had the $10 Wednesday parma at the local pub once (so far)
Golf is a 12 minute drive away at 6.40am on a Saturday morning
It took me 16 minutes to walk to Punt Rd (and 2,569 steps), and I was in my cushioned seat at 'the G' 25 minutes after leaving my front door.
My internet connection took 14 days (and help from Katrina at Bigpond)
...and I still have to wait 8 more days for my Foxtel connection!
On my first Friday night here, it took me 8 minutes to 'jiggle' the lock at my back door - not a good sign
It took me 2 more days to work out the secret jiggle ... but I still want to change the locks
I picked 23 lemons from the 2 trees in my back yard last Saturday (and there are more to pick tomorrow)
I still have a lo-o-o-o-ng list of things to do, but I have plenty of time ... and now I have my internet to help with the relocation process. Welcome to number 21, it's great!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
doing my best impression of a piece of wool cloth!
... however ... after a fair bit of interest there were no bidders and therefore no sale. After the auction, 4 parties wanted to be kept informed and still held interest knowing the reserve price. If they haven't expressed their interest (by way of an offer) by now, I reckon they have a plan A that may very well be auctioned next week, and I'm their plan B.

So now I'm on tenterhooks. Which leads me to ask, what is a tenter, and why does it have hooks? Well, a quick trip to Wikipedia and a cross reference to my Latin dictionary tells me that it's from the Latin tendere meaning 'to stretch'. A tenterhook dates back to the the textile industry, and refers to hooks attached to a frame on which woven woollen cloth was secured while it dried. As those of us who have washed a fluffy jumper in warm water know, wool shrinks, so a tenter (with attached hooks) was used to hold newly woven cloth in place while it dried.
Now I'm off to Mater's place for a Mother's Day brunch. Croissants & champagne all around! Today's task is to use a conjugation of the latin verb tendere in conversation ...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
security matters
My new laptop has cajoled me, ever so gently, into the current millennium, and all I have to do to log on is swipe a single finger. How amazing is technology?

In other news, my lovely neighbour, Lady Magpie, expressed just the right level of regret that I am selling my unit and moving. In her caring way, she passed on a recent article in the local rag, highlighting a robbery at a home that was open for inspection. Apparently someone inspected said property and unlocked a window. At a later time, they then accessed the house through that unlocked window, removing valuables.
When I arrived home after a lunchtime open for inspection today, I discovered that while closed, my back door was unlocked. I'm sure that it was an oversight by my agent, but it did activate me into a frenzy of checking in cupboards and drawers before I sat down with a well needed glass of wine.
I'm very pleased to say that you, my fancy new laptop, were still hiding in your secret place and nothing was touched.
Just as well, I would have been out tracking fingerprints faster than Sherlock Holmes!
Friday, April 25, 2008
I'm back!
(sorry for sounding like dear diary)
Basically it's like this ...
my computer broke and as the great corporate master has blocked all blogs, I couldn't even log on at home through my work laptop.
see, it's sort of a 'dog ate my homework' story, and with my swift (?) decision making ability, it took me a while to diagnose the terminal illness in my last computer, shop for a new one (and ask BM Roogirl to shop for a new one for me), buy said computer, transfer data from old to new etc etc. Yes it's prevaricating, but it's me and I'm fine with it!
Anyway, after a few days of beautifully fine autumnal weather, it has clouded over and is about to rain ... off to collect the washing.
Stay tuned to see if I record any secrets, secret crushes, dramas or angst - believe me, there's a lot going on!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Urgh, the heat!!!
I suppose this is a good thing - it reminds the footballers that it still cricket season, so rack off until next month ... or something a bit less aggressive. But forgive me for snapping like that - I'm hot and bothered!!!
As we in Melbourne recognise Labour Day (you know, 8 hours of work, eight hours of play & eight hours of rest), I've just logged off my work computer after a few hours of preparing presentations. Yesterday was the analysis, today was the pretty-ness. Yeah, I know it's analogous on Labour Day, but remember that this is the same corporate master who flew me to London 1st class last year.
I have done little but work, sign forms (the less joyous part of buying a lovely new house), and sleep of late. Hence no blogging.
Today, despite the heat, I've made the commitment.
I have seen a movie and a new DVD of an Austen adaptation (sort of) recently. Back a few weeks when the weather was cooler (when it was definitely summer by any one's calendar) I saw The Jane Austen Book Club. Right up my alley and a definite 'thumbs up'. I also visited My friend Delamare's house and was privileged to view the inaugural screening of her new Sense & Sensibility. But rather than me relive it, just visit her very astute observations on her blog, here.
It is that busy time of the year for me at work. By Easter it should settle back to a steady pattern, with fewer peak workloads. Maybe then I can settle down to regular downtime!
Maybe the heat and heavy workload has also been contributing to Andrew Symonds' apparent anger management issues
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I finally did it!!!
On Saturday, I bought a new house!
This is now mine, or it will be on June 2 if I sign all the right bank forms.
It has 3 bedrooms (yes, I'm taking bookings); is 10 - 15 minutes walk to the MCG (past some lovely cafes & shops!); and has room to park my car off the street.
Now I just have to put the 2 bedroom unit that no longer has a leaking toilet on the market.
So much to do, so little time.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Home sweet home ...
Yes, I arrived home late last night after an 11 day sojourn in sunny Adelaide (it really was).
The list of enjoyable events was long and included:
- the wedding of number 2 nephew
- watching the surprisingly familiar antics of 23 year olds with great nephew no. 1 (familiar to me, not him)
- discussions about world domination with nephew no. 3 (just remember to occasionally listen to things other than a singular driving ambition)
- nervously observing M&D while the the words to Pink's 'Leave me Alone' pass over their heads
- playing backyard cricket with nephew no. 5, watched by the fish, the birds, the dog, the guinea pig, the frog spawn AND Jonah the statue
- wineries and back roads of McLaren Vale
- more (or fewer) fish at Vale Park
- crosswords, sudokus and target words
- churchbells at 10am
- spacious seating!
Watching test cricket in the heat can be tiring, and paradoxically for me it is also relaxing. Listening to ABC radio while watching the play, crowd and surroundings is eminently peaceful.
Now I'm back home, with a couple of lazy days to wash, shop, (get back into) exercise, house hunt, bank, doctor etc, and also apparently find a plumber. Work for February and March will (as usual) be frantic, but at least I have the memories from a tiring, relaxing and invigorating cricket holiday to sustain me.
So long Gilly - I can understand how a realisation can hit you between the ball hitting your gloves, and hitting the ground
Thursday, January 17, 2008
sorry, my fault ... make that 16 going on 14; or even 43 going on 41
The Australians do look discombobulated (thanks Kirst). Is it the extended time between test matches (10 days); or is it their reaction to the criticism of the aggressive Australian approach; or is it the confidence gained by the Indian performance in the previous test match?
We're now 165 behind, with only 4 wickets in hand. Brett Lee is batting well before he deserves to. Not because of his level of skill, but because his big heart was on display in the big Perth heat, as he took the lead in the Australian pace attack. He deserved at least a day off to rest his tired body.
Perhaps I should focus on my dress/jeans size, or my golf score?
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
16, going on 17
Despite the ridiculous over-reaction in the media in the last week, the Australian test team has notched up 16 consecutive test wins, dating back to the 2nd test v South Africa at the MCG in December 2005. I was there at that match to see Phil Jaques' test debut, and magnificent centuries by Ponting & Hussey. Having learned from South Africa's doggedness to hang on for a draw the week before in Perth, Ponting's declaration in Melbourne was aggressive, and he relied on his bowling attack of McGrath & Warne to dismiss the opposition ... which they did in the first over after lunch on day 5.
Well, for match number 17 in the sequence, some of the names have changed (we will rely on Tait & Johnson in attack this time), but some stay the same (the umpires in Melbourne in 2005 were Bucknor & Rauf).
While I won't be in Perth for what may be number 17 (sorry to all of you superstitious ones), my annual pilgrimage to Adelaide for their test match is nearly upon me. This year, I won't be travelling with Roogirl (sorry mate, it's pot luck with a window seat for you this time), but will meet her in Adelaide after I attend the wedding of no.2 nephew. I'll be travelling to Adelaide by road, sharing the driving with Mum & Dad.
So let the games begin. Books on CD for Mum, cricket on the radio for Dad & I. Actually, I think that the last family holiday WAS when I was 16 going on 17. Hey team, I made it to 17 - good luck to you too!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
ps I love you
We then shared a quick plate of nachos over a glass of rose, much to the amusement of neighbouring diners and friendly waiters. I don't think it was our menu choices or eating style that amused them, but very likely our incessant chatter: work, home, kids, school, family, mutual friends, tv, Christmas, cooking, Jane Austen, etc etc. Well, that half hour entertained us!

Sunday, January 6, 2008
An epiphany

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
On the eighth day of Christmas
aren't you wondering yet where this is leading?
I'm sure that you know it will be an obtuse or obscure piece of trivia , but what ...
(only 4 days to go)