For those who know me, it may not be much of a secret, but it's all mine, and I revel in my devotion.
It started as a long distance admiration when I was still in school. In fact, it began from afar when I was living in Hobart and my love was in Melbourne. We finally met in the late 1970's and I was smitten from the start. There was quite a crowd when we met, but my secret love proved true to me, living up to all expectations. As with many such relationships, I was in awe of my secret love's power and reputation and other people also coveted what I knew was mine.
My secret love has a long history, with many fascinating stories that are shared selflessly. The colourful history just adds to my adoration. Others, who are younger, richer and more 'with it' have tried to draw me away from my secret love, but I remain true.
Our relationship has endured bitterly cold winters, when only hot coffee, coats and scarfs will do. It has also endured steamy summers where women have paraded in front of my secret love in bikinis, but my love remains true to me, giving me everything that I want.
After a 20 year courtship, my secret love and I made a lifetime commitment a short 7 years ago. We had an incredibly intense 2 week period during September 2000, when we were virtually never out of each others sights. While we already had in excess of 20 years behind us, it was at this time that I felt that I finally got to know my love inside & out.
While not together at all times, we have very regular trysts. My heart always skips a beat as I approach, sometimes it's even from high on the hill, looking over the bridge.
Yes, my secret love is the MCG.
Awww - you old softy, you! And I promise I won't let on to Mr FD about this true love that beats in your heart (OK, it's Friday night and I've eaten half a packet of chilli chips and drunk a glass of red wine).
I too have the same true love although I like to spread myself around and do have a few others of a more flesh & blood variety!
The day I get to see our joint True Love as a MEMBER will be one of the greatest days of my life I am sure.
This is Craig Bradley here. What I have I done? Where did I go wrong? What can I do to be reinstated as your one true love? I will not rest until it has been done....
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